Aramcco Germany

Aramcco Germany soars with Evotik! See how Evotik’s recruitment platform scaled Aramcco’s business by 100%, reduced staff needs, and fueled expansion into 5 new countries.
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A Legacy of Recruitment Excellence

Aramcco Germany, a powerhouse in the German recruitment landscape, boasts a distinguished history as the MENA region’s longest-standing recruitment service provider. However, despite their success, Aramcco Germany faced a hurdle – a lack of a scalable system to manage their expanding operations and marketing efforts.

The Challenge of Growth in Aramcco Germany

Aramcco’s ambitions outpaced their existing infrastructure. Scaling their business without a robust system to govern operations and streamline marketing activities proved increasingly difficult. The absence of in-house developers and a dedicated CTO further amplified the challenge.

Evotik’s expertise in full-stack development and the unique CTO-as-a-Service offering emerged as the ideal solution for Aramcco. Evotik’s comprehensive approach, encompassing ongoing support and continuous development, instilled confidence in Aramcco Germany, allowing them to focus on core business strategies.

Building a Multilingual Recruitment Powerhouse

Evotik meticulously crafted a multilingual platform catering to a diverse user base. The platform featured multi-layered authentication, granting secure access to various stakeholders – company employees, consultants, language tutors, candidates, recruiters, and managers.

This comprehensive platform encompassed all aspects of Aramcco’s operations – marketing, sales, bulk communication channels (email, SMS, WhatsApp), and transactional communication across various channels. Essentially, the platform became the nerve center of Aramcco Germany’s success.

Developing a platform that seamlessly integrated access for various user groups while maintaining scalability for thousands of users across 10+ countries and 5 languages presented a significant challenge. Evotik’s team, however, leveraged their expertise to create a highly scalable solution.

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Aramcco Decade of Exponential Growth

The results speak for themselves. Since partnering with Evotik in 2017, Aramcco Germany has witnessed a staggering 100+% growth. The platform’s efficiency streamlined operations, reducing the employee-to-recruitee ratio by ~50%. Aramcco company also successfully expanded into 3 new countries and scaled its business within existing territories by 2-3X.

A Trusted Partnership Beyond Development

Aramcco’s unwavering satisfaction with Evotik’s services transcends mere development. Evotik has become a trusted advisor and a true CTO, playing a vital role in Aramcco Germany’s success since the project’s inception. This ongoing partnership exemplifies the power of collaboration in driving business growth.

The Aramcco in Germany case study serves as a testament to Evotik’s ability to translate vision into reality. Evotik’s expertise empowers businesses to not only achieve their recruitment goals but also scale to new heights, solidifying their position in the ever-evolving recruitment landscape.

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